Study Habits of Senior High School


  • Jun-Jun R. Ramos Department of Education. Division of Isabela. LFG Diamantina National High School. Philippines.


Study Habits, Effective Study Habits.


This study attempts to find out perception on study habits of Senior High School students and analyze relationship between study habits and academic performance and various other factors that affects study habits. It is generally believed that a student learns effective study habits in school. So Senior High School students are generally assumed to have effective study habits, but, the environment of school is very different and need of effective study habits. So, this research consists of details about why effective study habits are needed at Senior High School level and effective study habits that a Senior High School student must have in order to learn and eventually score better. Also, we conducted a survey in La Paz National High School to analyze study habits of students. 




How to Cite

Ramos, J.-J. R. (2017). Study Habits of Senior High School. Angloamericanae Journal (AAJ), 2(1), 21–29. Retrieved from